Monday, June 1, 2015

BP #10

           In the article "It was lightning, It was Thunder." Will Grimsley uses the ten tips for improving scholastic
sportswriting.This story is about the heavyweight title match between Muhammad Ali and Sonny Liston. It shows the controversy about the fight where people thought it was rigged. The article is bias towards Liston because they talk more about how they thought the match was rigged.   He uses the first rule, Write about players and teams, not about games. He talks about Ali's back story and how they trained for this match. He doesn't just write about the fight and go to in depth. He also
used number 7. He watched them train he knew everything about both of the fighters. It also used Pathos as a rhetorical strategy because it uses the feelings of the audience making them angry about a false match or making them sad that their favorite fighter lost. This are the tips and strategies that Grimsley used in this article.
          In the Article "Red Sox End Brutal Road Trip on a Cruel Twist" by Randy Jennings, he uses many techniques to explain the Red Sox tough road trip. This article is about the Sox last game on their road trip ended on a walk off hip by Josh Hamilton in the 9th. Jennings also used tip number 2, When writing about players always identify them by class in school and position on team. He does this on several occasions. When writing about Koji Uehara, he refers to him as Red Sox closer Koji Uehara. He also uses tip number 1. To write about the players not just the game. He rites about how Prince Fielder has had a great season. They right about Joe Kelly's tough season losing 4 games straight. They don't only fixate on the game. Randy Jennings also uses the rhetorical strategy Pathos to appeal to the sad Red Sox fans who have had to watch their team struggle all year long. Those are the techniques Jennings used to write this article.

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