Friday, May 15, 2015


 The Super Bowl champs have yet another scandal on their hands. In the AFC championship game when the Pats derailed the colts in a 45-7 blow out. 11 of the 12 footballs the Patriots were playing with turned out to be under inflated below the league limit. In the past Tom Brady is quoted on saying he like the balls under inflated because the ball is easier to grip. The Pats have been the best team in the NFL for the past decade, and everyone tries to take them down. Tom Brady had a press conference about deflategate saying he didn't have anything to do with it. Later on the found evidence that shows he did. So they are suspending him for 4 games and fined the team 1 million dollars.
         Tom Brady probably is guilty, but I believe the NFL over did it with the suspension taking away the draft picks and 1 million dollar fine. The ball boy who was responsible for the footballs had never talked to Tom ever before but after this incident the had multiple 20 minute calls, and would text often. This shows that they never had business before then they suddenly had something that was very important to talk about. Tom Brady did know about the balls, but Roger Goodell is trying to save face after he messed up with Ray Rice and the 2 game suspension. So he's trying to look like a good commissioner, when in all reality it's still making him look bad.
         The punishment does not fit the crime. Tom Brady was aware of the deflated footballs, yes. He lied about it, yes. Tom should not be suspended 4 games for under inflated footballs when earlier this year someone beat their wife and got 2 games. Tom Brady is appealing the suspension, and many people believe it will be reduced because the Wells report was inconclusive and had no concrete evidence. Tom Brady is going to come back with a chip on his shoulder and will take the league by storm.
         There are many alternate solutions to this problem. Tom was not the only player involved so why did he getting all the blame? If Tom gets suspended it should be a more reasonable amount of games. Taking away draft picks is ridiculous. That is affecting the future of the Patriots which they are only doing because no one wants to see the pats on top anymore. If I was the commissioner I would suspend Brady 2 games and take maybe 400 thousand dollars from the team. I believe that is the most fair. You better believe Brady is going to play next year at a very high level!

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