Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Marion Jones

Marion Jones the fastest woman on the planet, and ready to own the sport of track and field for a long time, had her whole career torn away from her because of one mistake. She used performance enhancement drugs. She had her medals taken away, all of her records stripped from the history books, and worst of all she had her freedom take away, when she had to spend 6 months in prison. While in prison she was placed in solitary confinement for 30 days. She made the most of her time in prison working out and getting in shape for a possible sports comeback.  Once she was out of jail, she started going to the gym and getting into basketball shape. She played and won a national championship at North Carolina for basketball.
            After many months of training she finally got signed by Tulsa Shock. She had always had dreams of playing in the WNBA. When she first begun, she was averaging about 9 minutes a game and getting about 3 points a game. Even though those aren't great numbers, it means that even though her career was seemingly over she still got back in shape and made a comeback. Everything she worked for may have been taken away, but she still cared and made a career in basketball. Some people despise her for what she did in track, but many people still believe she is and always will be one of the greatest women track and field athletes of all time!

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