Sunday, June 21, 2015

Final blog Jv basketball

              Norton won a close game on the road against a tough Dover Sherborn team. Norton was behind in the waning minute, when Brett Gauvin tied the game and sent it to overtime. The extra session the 2 squads kept trading baskets when finally Norton fouled a Dover player and the player got frustrated and yelled at the ref which caused the official to give him a Technical foul. Norton was down by one and Gauvin headed to the free throw line knocked down both and put them up by 1 Norton ended up on winning this game in overtime by 3 with a final score 52-49. Norton was not surprised with this W because in their first meeting they won by 18 points, but they were surprised with how close this game was.

             The starting line up for Norton was fighting, but not making the shots the are use to. Coach Jolly went to the bench early and often with player such as Nick Ruby, Joe Collamore, and Sam Baker. After their bench lead them back into the game the starters came back and kept the game close then when it came down to the last minutes they closed it out.

             Norton won this game with clutch offense by Sophomore guard Brett Gauvin knocking down free throws in overtime, and big shots by Junior Ryan Brown at the end of regulation. Norton got key stops when the game was up for grabs with big rebounds by Freshman Nick Ruby and Sophomore Ryan Mazzola. They also got their leading scorer going Tyler Troiano with 16 big points in his limited minutes with the team. This game brought the team together and built chemistry, mid way through the season.

             Nick Ruby, 1 of the only 2 freshman on the team came in as sixth man every game, and really contributed to this team. 8 big points all in the fourth quarter. He also had a key block with 2 minutes left in the game with the game in the balance. His final stat line before he fouled out was 8 points 12 boards 2 blocks and 3 assists. When he got his fifth foul and was taken out he got the players on the bench to cheer on the team which was very helpful.  Many of his team mates truly believe this is the game when he helped the team the most.

            When I interviewed Ruby he said that the moral in the locker room at halftime was low. They expected to be winning this game and when they weren't it got them all very angry. "We were all just kind of angry because of our sloppy play". Once they got going in the second half everyone was into it and leading this team on. "We kind of came together as a team in the Locker room." I asked him how he was able to control the glass like he did. He said that he was working harder than them and getting to the ball faster. That is how Ruby really helped his team getting extra possessions. 

              After this game Norton played as well as they ever did as a team. Winning 3 games straight and doing it in impressive fashion. In these games they had 2 player averaging double figure scoring in Troiano, Ryan Brown, and great guard and forward play by Gauvin, Sam Baker, Nick Ruby, and Joe Collomore. This game truly was a turning point for this young team made up of mostly underclassmen. "That game made our team believe in each other and trusted each other" Said Freshman Center Nick Ruby.

Link to Interview:


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Marion Jones

Marion Jones the fastest woman on the planet, and ready to own the sport of track and field for a long time, had her whole career torn away from her because of one mistake. She used performance enhancement drugs. She had her medals taken away, all of her records stripped from the history books, and worst of all she had her freedom take away, when she had to spend 6 months in prison. While in prison she was placed in solitary confinement for 30 days. She made the most of her time in prison working out and getting in shape for a possible sports comeback.  Once she was out of jail, she started going to the gym and getting into basketball shape. She played and won a national championship at North Carolina for basketball.
            After many months of training she finally got signed by Tulsa Shock. She had always had dreams of playing in the WNBA. When she first begun, she was averaging about 9 minutes a game and getting about 3 points a game. Even though those aren't great numbers, it means that even though her career was seemingly over she still got back in shape and made a comeback. Everything she worked for may have been taken away, but she still cared and made a career in basketball. Some people despise her for what she did in track, but many people still believe she is and always will be one of the greatest women track and field athletes of all time!

Friday, June 5, 2015

JV Basketball Sports Article Rough draft

              Norton won a close game on the road against a tough Dover Sherborn team. Norton was behind in the waning minute, when Brett Gauvin tied the game and sent it to overtime. The extra session the 2 squads kept trading baskets when finally Norton fouled a Dover player and the player got frustrated and yelled at the ref which caused the official to give him a Technical foul. Norton was down by one and Gauvin headed to the free throw line knocked down both and put them up by 1 Norton ended up on winning this game in overtime by 3 with a final score 52-49. Norton was not surprised with this W because in their first meeting they won by 18 points, but they were surprised with how close this game was.

             The starting line up for Norton was fighting, but not making the shots the are use to. Coach Jolly went to the bench early and often with player such as Nick Ruby, Joe Collamore, and Sam Baker. After their bench lead them back into the game the starters came back and kept the game close then when it came down to the last minutes they closed it out.

             Norton won this game with clutch offense by Sophomore guard Brett Gauvin knocking down free throws in overtime, and big shots by Junior Ryan Brown at the end of regulation. Norton got key stops when the game was up for grabs with big rebounds by Freshman Nick Ruby and Sophomore Ryan Mazzola. They also got their leading scorer going Tyler Troiano with 16 big points in his limited minutes with the team. This game brought the team together and built chemistry, mid way through the season.

             Nick Ruby 1 of the only 2 freshman on the team came in as sixth man every game, and really contributed to this team. 8 big points all in the fourth quarter. He also had a key block with 2 minutes left in the game with the game in the balance. His final stat line before he fouled out was 8 points 12 boards 2 blocks and 3 assists. When he got his fifth foul and was taken out he got the players on the bench to cheer on the team which was very helpful. "If I couldn't help my team on the court I was going to help them off of the court." Many of his team mates truly believe this is the game when he helped the team the most.

              After this game Norton played as well as they ever did as a team. Winning 3 games straight and doing it in impressive fashion. In these games they had 2 player averaging double figure scoring in Troiano, Ryan Brown, and great guard and forward play by Gauvin, Sam Baker, Nick Ruby, and Joe Collomore. This game truly was a turning point for this young team made up of mostly underclassmen. "That game made our team believe in each other and trusted each other" Said Freshman Center Nick Ruby.




Monday, June 1, 2015

BP #10

           In the article "It was lightning, It was Thunder." Will Grimsley uses the ten tips for improving scholastic
sportswriting.This story is about the heavyweight title match between Muhammad Ali and Sonny Liston. It shows the controversy about the fight where people thought it was rigged. The article is bias towards Liston because they talk more about how they thought the match was rigged.   He uses the first rule, Write about players and teams, not about games. He talks about Ali's back story and how they trained for this match. He doesn't just write about the fight and go to in depth. He also
used number 7. He watched them train he knew everything about both of the fighters. It also used Pathos as a rhetorical strategy because it uses the feelings of the audience making them angry about a false match or making them sad that their favorite fighter lost. This are the tips and strategies that Grimsley used in this article.
          In the Article "Red Sox End Brutal Road Trip on a Cruel Twist" by Randy Jennings, he uses many techniques to explain the Red Sox tough road trip. This article is about the Sox last game on their road trip ended on a walk off hip by Josh Hamilton in the 9th. Jennings also used tip number 2, When writing about players always identify them by class in school and position on team. He does this on several occasions. When writing about Koji Uehara, he refers to him as Red Sox closer Koji Uehara. He also uses tip number 1. To write about the players not just the game. He rites about how Prince Fielder has had a great season. They right about Joe Kelly's tough season losing 4 games straight. They don't only fixate on the game. Randy Jennings also uses the rhetorical strategy Pathos to appeal to the sad Red Sox fans who have had to watch their team struggle all year long. Those are the techniques Jennings used to write this article.