Tuesday, January 27, 2015

What are Sports?

            What are sports? Sports are a type of competition. You could get many different answers from many different people , but I believe the real definition of a sport is a competition between 2 or more opponents where one team or oppenent scores more than the other team.
            Some examples of sports are baseball, basketball, football, wrestling, and lacrosse, but what I don't consider sports are kan jam or wiffle ball. If it isn't an organized league I believe you aren't playing a sport.  Sports require effort. so if you aren't putting in any effort then you most likely aren't playing a sport. You also need to gain points if its knocking down a three or pinning someone. In golf you are not gaining points that's why golf is not a sport in my book. You can get different answer of what is a sport from everyone in the world, but I completely believe that my definition is correct.

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