Friday, January 30, 2015

Pats Receivers Vs Seattle Secondary

        The general argument made by author Mark Farinella in his work, Patriots Receivers Vow to Hold Their Own, is that the patriots receiving core has enough weapons to compete vs this star studded secondary. Patriots Receiver says"We're going to do what we have been doing all along." In the passage, Mark Farinella is suggesting that even though the Seahawks have one of the best corner backs and 2 of the best safeties in the NFL. The Pats wide outs have been competing all year and have proven them selves to everyone in this league. In conclusion Farinella's belief is that The Wide receiving core for New England is good enough to hold their own against this great secondary of Seattle.
          I really enjoyed reading this article because I found it very interesting. Seattle defense was tops in the NFL in every major category. New England has a very high rated offense so that is where the game becomes interesting. The article talks to the New England receivers and they all believe they are good enough to compete with this defense. I also believe they are good enough because they have 4 receivers with 40 catches or more with a solid running game to keep this Seattle D on their toes. Both Teams have worked and earned their way to this game but I  believe the game comes down to both teams weaker side of the ball. If Seattle can stop the Pats offensive attack then it will come down to the Seattle offense and New England defense. This has all the making to be a game for the ages.

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