Thursday, February 12, 2015

Sports Effects on Culture

         Professional sports has had many different effects on culture. It can have positive effects such as Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier, but it can also have a negative effect like the issue with the voice mail on Donald Sterling's phone that cost him his job. Sports have been bringing people together for decades. It has allowed all racial differences to be pushed aside and let the best players in the world play the sport they love. Sports have effects our cultures in a positive way such as Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier. For years the MLB was only a white mans league now it has transformed into something completely different because of Jackie Robinson and what he did for that culture. Ben Mclemore of the Sacramento Kings stands for another change in culture. His Family moved from 1 room apartment to 1 room apartment his whole childhood life, but once he made it to the NBA he started to provide for his family. This happens very often in sports, one kid makes it to the pros and it changes everything. It moves him and his family out of poverty.
         Although unfortunately there are also some negative effects on culture in sports. Lets talk about  the Seattle Seahawks. Their Quarterback Russell Wilson was called out by other teammates for not being "Black enough". This is an unfair statement to Wilson, because he went to college and graduated and just because he doesn't speak like his teammates with street slang they don't want him leading their team. Another example of a negative effect on culture is trash talking in sports. Kids are watching and they see all the trash talking and want to be just like them so they play in their game and start swearing and trash talking.
           Lastly, sports have had a crazy effect on my culture. Every sunday my family comes together to watch the Pats games. Also whenever something bad happens in my life I can go play basketball with my friends to clear my name for even an hour.  Sports have gotten me to the point I am at today. It has It is the reason I have all the friends I have today. My life would be entirely different if it weren't for sports. That is how sports can have a positive or a negative effect on someones life.

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